catrss - show an RSS feed in plain-text

Language (lingua): English, Italiano.


catrss is a script to read a RSS feed from the standard input and print its content to the standard output.

This script was ideated for adding RSS support to checkurls by the way of URL specific options like, for example:

http___www_eff_org_rss_updates_xml='--html2text-program=ruby --html2text-flags="/home/marco/src/catrss/catrss/catrss.rb"'

The script is still in an early development stage, there are many features which could be added and there may be some bugs in the code. It is already usable on GNU/Linux, but it should work without many problems on similar systems, it needs an UNIX-like envinronment, a Ruby interpreter and the lynx program.


You can download catrss from the SVN repository: <>.


The development area is located at: <>.

You can send comments and questions to Marco Parrone <>.